New tenants for Portsmouth’s Fish Market @ the Camber

October 17, 2022 / Comments (0)


If you walk round the Camber often you will have noticed that the site has recently been cleaned up and there’s lots of activity at that corner. This is coming from Brighton and Newhaven Fish Sales (BNHS) who have recently acquired the lease on the site. BNFS is a south coast-based fish and seafood wholesaler and is already supplying local restaurants including A-Bar, Briny and The Queen’s Hotel.

Who is BNFS?

We at BFS have over 30 years’ experience in the handling and marketing of the fish and shellfish catches of commercial fishermen. BFS is ideally placed to market the catches of boats landing into Portsmouth and the wider area.

We currently employ a team of over 50 staff and are looking to extend this with the exciting opportunities offered by our new Camber site.

What do they do?

Our ethos is to ‘Put the Fisher First’. We do this by providing up to date facilities for fishers to keep their catch in the highest quality possible, to land their catches in a safe manner and to store their catch in a refrigerated and hygienic way. We strive to pay the fishermen as high a price as we possibly can for their catch and in this way encourage investment in both their boats and gear. We will shortly be embarking on an extensive modernisation of the Camber site in order to provide these necessary facilities. Once landed we use our extensive experience to sell catches for the best available price, using marketing streams to the retail, wholesale, catering and export trades.


The Portsmouth fishing industry, and that of the wider Solent area, has been in decline for many years. Much of this has been due to a lack of investment. All concerned have suffered. Fishermen, local residents, local Council, Fisheries Managers and the wider public have suffered as a result. To break this cycle, to provide appropriate facilities, to ensure fishermen get a better deal, to facilitate compliance, to create a vibrant fishing hub in the Camber that the community can enjoy is our goal. The catalyst for this is to create a modern, fit for purpose fish market with all the ice, refrigeration, freezing, offloading and storage facilities that local fishermen need to flourish. This is all possible with the right guidance, will and determination.

We have a proven track record of over 30 years and are committed to the local fishing industry for the long term. We will be proud to offer the fishermen of Portsmouth, the Solent and wider area the security of having a high class facility to land their catches and in return to be paid the true value of their catch.

This will give fishermen the confidence and extra money to invest in their businesses knowing they have a willing and able partner alongside them for years to come.

You can read more about BNFS t

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