The Duke of Buckingham pub on High Street has devised a weekly meal plan for older residents of Old Portsmouth. This lunch time menu must be booked for a week at a time and will be delivered in half hour time slots between 11.00am-01.00pm each day.
The rationale for this pop up service is two fold: to offer lunches to residents who would normally use local lunch clubs for their main meal and now have no access to those services, and secondly as a neighbourhood business response in these unprecedented times. The initiative is endorsed by local councillors and PCC’s Environmental team.
Business owner, Andrew Harvey said:
As a business it would be extremely easy to call it a day and become a victim of this situation. However, we have the knowledge, robust food safety systems, and have applied a rationale to the risk assessment of protecting ourselves and those we come into contact with.
This is not a profit making exercise at only £30 per week for a two course lunch each day. (This price point was determined from the lunch club at the Cathedral for which we volunteer our time). In short, it is a public service for the older members of our community, and as the grip continues I believe companies that supply the elderly currently will come under a lot pressure.
See the meal plan below, complete with ordering instructions.
Support our local business community who take great pride in supporting local residents!