To be held online via Zoom Wednesday 24th March 2020, 1900 hrs.
It feels like we have lost a whole year and unfortunately, the potential for meeting indoors in large numbers anytime soon remains unlikely. Reluctantly, this leaves us with little option but to hold our FOOPA 2021 AGM online.
We were unable to host our AGM last March owing to the first lockdown. Back then, no one knew what Zoom was – it has since been a lifeline for some, and a bugbear for others. If FOOPA has your email address you will receive an invitation to join the AGM via Zoom. Please register your attendance by emailing by 16 March 2021 and you will then receive a Zoom invitation along with the agenda and documents.
If FOOPA does not hold an email address for you, nomination forms for vacant posts on the Committee will be sent through the post with full details. The draft Minutes from the 2019 AGM will be on the Nisa noticeboard shortly. Please contact us if there are any matters arising to bring to the Committee’s attention.
It is with great regret that Alistair is stepping down as Membership Secretary, he kindly took on the additional duties of Treasurer since Janice Loose helped us temporarily. Both these roles urgently need filling, as well as that of Vice-Chair. Without them, FOOPA cannot function in its current format and may have to suspend operations. We encourage Members to step forward to offer their help, so if you are aware of any fellow FOOPA Members, who have email, that you would like to propose, please get in touch.