University’s new sports facility
Opening 2021 for students, staff and Portsmouth with an ‘outstanding’ rating from BREEAM UK.
The uni is building a new sports facility for students, staff and the local community. Located at the junction of Cambridge Road and Museum Road in Old Portsmouth, the building is designed to look like a pavilion and will connect with the historic Ravelin Park.
Details of the new building can be seen on the university’s website, along with other developments in the pipeline, namely the new academic building in Victoria Park:
Fontenoy House – Objection 8 Nov 2018
Fontenoy House – Objection 8 Nov 2018
A handy campaign toolkit from the Society for the Protection of Ancient Building
Protecting heritage at a local level is an excellent way to help safeguard historic buildings. It’s the people that care for and enjoy old buildings everyday that can bring local heritage to life. Whether you’re worried about a deteriorating building in your local area, want to contest a planning application, build your own local campaign or set up a building preservation trust then this document will offer you guidance.
Portsmouth Grammar School plans for drama dept extension

Proposed plans

Existing layout
These suggested makeover plans for Fontenoy House have been placed on our website for information only and do not reflect FOOPA’s views regarding the proposals. FOOPA will not form a view until the finalised Planning Application is available.

Planning improvements to Fontenoy House have recently been presented to FOOPA committee members. Situated on the corner of High Street and Grand Parade, Fontenoy House, is a brick-fronted block of flats.
Plans for improvements to the building include a rendered finish to complement the Old Bank opposite and a roof extension.
Jason and Kate Phillips, new owners of the freehold, welcome residents comments and concerns and have provided details of their plans at the following link:
Planning ‘Ace’ Terry Halloran resigns from FOOPA committee
It is with much regret that FOOPA committee accept the resignation of our planning expert, Terry Halloran. He will step down at the end of the year.
Terry has been working hard on behalf of the community for 10 years, attending PCC’s monthly planning meetings, advising on outcomes and making deputations.
We thank him for all his efforts and contributions and wish him well in the future. “Stay in touch Terry – the door is always open!”
With so much development and activity in the city, this presents an exciting opportunity for someone else to really get stuck in to a vital cause.
If you are interested in representing the community in this role, or would like to find out more, get in touch via the website, or contact Gail Baird, Chair: or 07809 558474
Preparing the Local Plan
PCC are at the early stages in preparing the new Portsmouth Local Plan. The Issues and Options document sets out the council’s understanding of the planning issues concerning the city, and options for how we deal with them.
They want to hear from residents, businesses and organisations if you think they have identified all the planning issues correctly and what you think of the options the city has for the future.
They will use the results of this consultation to help work on the new Local Plan which they will be working on over the next year. See the following link for more details and how to get involved:
Planning Summary to 20 August 17 (PDF)
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Proposed 45-bed hotel development @ The Camber by Fuller Smith & Turner (Fullers).
Presented to FOOPA July 2017 but have since been amended, and more recently (Feb 2018)

delayed until a decision has been made about the architects.
Sea Defences and Local Plan
FOOPA exercised our democratic right to address the Cabinet last week on the Issues and Options paper of the next Portsmouth Plan. We suggested they rewrite the report as sea defence should be included as a major issue! We also expressed concern at the lack of consultation in arriving at the preferred ‘hard engineering’ option and that each’s ‘soft engineering’ suggestions should not be dismissed out of hand.
The Issues and Options Paper will still go out for 8 weeks consultation in the next week but the profile of ‘soft engineering’ has been raised significantly and featured on South Today.
The Council have now stated ‘there will be no ghetto style wall’ and ‘we have one of the most beautiful Victorian coastlines in the world and we want to enhance it’.
It is important to take responsibility for our environment, so please provide feedback on the Issues and Options Report. See Update on Coastal Defences from East Solent Coast Partnership
The new defences are intended to cover 2.8 miles (4.5km) of the seafront from Long Curtain Moat, near the Royal Garrison Church, to Eastney Barracks. PCC are currently applying for funding from central government to develop a detailed design. So why are new coastal defences needed? There are currently 4,114 homes and 704 businesses at risk of flooding from the sea in Southsea? The area is low lying and many of the existing defences are reaching the end of their life, with some dating back as far as World War II. In addition to this, climate change is causing sea levels to rise and the number and size of storms to increase. To address this, improvements are being developed. The preferred option for the scheme is a primary concrete sloped revetment with a secondary setback wall. View an example of what this may look:
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FOOPA – Planning Summary, 17 May 2017
Relevant New Planning Applications
The following applications have been sent to the Council Planning Department. Any comments / objections should be sent there by the date indicated.
Email your comments to
Or write to: Planning Policy, Cultural Services and City Development, Portsmouth City Council, Civic Offices, Guildhall Square, Portsmouth, PO1 2AU
Relevant Planning Committee Decisions: None. Next meetings 31 May, 28 June
Relevant Head of Planning Services Decisions: None
Pending Applications:
3 Penny Street (1525) External alterations to include installation of double glazed sash windows to replace existing, new render to external walls (after removal of existing) and installation of new steel grating at pavement level after removal of existing concrete infill and glass blocks – Fontenoy House (0566) Construction of single storey extension to roof to form 2 flats to include raising of existing parapet wall, installation of balustrading and extension to existing external fire escape.
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