Queen’s Harbour Master Portsmouth
LNTM No 85/21
1. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by the Queen’s Harbour Master Portsmouth that the RAF Aerobatic Team (The Red Arrows) will give a short flying display over Portsmouth Harbour in support of an event on HMS PRINCE OF WALES while the ship is alongside in port. The display will take place on Wednesday 20 October from 1745 to 1800, with a spare day of Thursday 21 October 1535-1550.
2. For safety reasons, under the provisions of the Dockyard Port of Portsmouth Order 2005, the main area of the display must be clear of all non-involved marine traffic, and in order to achieve this, the harbour area shown in the figure will be an exclusion zone closed to all traffic (including recreational craft) from 1715 on 20 October (from 1455 on 21 October if the spare day is required) until completion of the display. Large vessel and cross-Solent traffic will be managed to ensure vessels are clear of the area and approach channels for the duration of the display. The harbour will be re-opened as soon as the display is complete.
3. Police and QHM craft will be on station to enforce this closure. All vessels are to comply with their directions and clear the area.
4. The harbour closure will include the closure of the Small Boat Channel (General Direction 2/21). Any persons wishing to view the display from small craft must do so outside of the area marked on the figure.
5. QHM Portsmouth will announce the harbour closure by “Securite” broadcasts on VHF Channel 11 and closures of the Small Boat Channel and Main Channel will also be highlighted on QHM Shipping Movements. QHM Harbour Control may be contacted on 02392 723694 for updates.