New Opportunity for Old Portsmouth Residents

July 16, 2023 / Comments (0)


As part of the Restorative work in the Old Portsmouth Neighbourhood our local youth organisations and play services have to come together to coordinate a connected and comprehensive programme of youth outreach and pop-up activities.

On Monday the 24th of July from 2.00pm to 4.00pm Sophie King from Motiv8 will be leading a small youth outreach and engagement team around the Hotwalls & Camber Dock. There is here a unique opportunity for some local residents to join the team and meet and talk with some of the young visitors in a safe setting.

Sophie will at 1.15pm run a brief coaching session for the guest residents who will then be ready to go! Please email Steve Rolls, who is leading the restorative programme, know ASAP if you would like to join this outreach team:

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