INEOS have asked us to share the following on their behalf:
Dear Camber residents,
We want to let you know that as of next week (Monday 1st June) the team will return to training with our America’s Cup race boat, ‘Britannia’, on the Solent. We hope the details below will reassure residents that no extra load will be put on the emergency services or add risk to the local community, whilst continuing to protect our team members.
Whilst some team members who can work from home will continue to do so, the sailing operations will require a number of team members to return to work to enable us to be operationally safe.
Measures we are taking include:
* Working with a company, Mafic, to use heat mapping / social distancing management devices to increase awareness of proximity of personnel to each other and help monitor the two-metre social distancing separation.
* Main entrance temperature checks for all personnel daily.
* All staff provided appropriate PPE to be used when two-metre social distancing is not possible.
* Any team member displaying COVID-19 symptoms will be isolated and tested immediately (all tests are funded by the team) along with any team members that have been in close contact. Whilst abiding by the government guidelines.
* Team members who have recently completed international travel will be required to take a COVID-19 test (funded by team) and comply with government isolation guidelines.
* Lunch is prepared daily on site for the whole team and served in small groups at allocated time slots.
* Cleaning protocols and processes at the Base have been adapted and increased.
* We have designed and built an electric E-grinder power system to enable us to reduce the number of sailors on board Britannia from 11 to 9, whilst continuing to ensure safety.
* Measures have been put in place so team members do not need to use public transport to travel to and from work.Once on the water, the team are self-sufficient, with medical staff and our own support boats, so as not to put any stress on the emergency services.
Please rest assured, the health and safety of our team and the community continues to be our number one priority and so we wanted to let you know how we have adapted our working practices and protocols to minimise risk.If you have any concerns, please do not hesitate to get in touch.
Kind regards,
Jo Grindley, CMO/CCOINEOS TEAM UK. The Camber, East Street, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO1 2JJ United Kingdom. Mobile/DDl:+44 7788 106762