Stephen Morgan MP paid a visit to the Camber recently to meet FOOPA representatives and the applicants fronting the Camber Right of Way campaign. FOOPA Chair Gail Baird had requested a meeting with our MP after months of being frustrated by the City Council’s lack of progress in drafting an Order for a Restricted Byway following the Secretary of State’s ruling in February.
Mr Morgan wanted to visit the Camber himself to better understand the situation, which gave applicant and long-standing Old Portsmouth resident Ken Bailey the opportunity to explain exactly how the Right of Way route has been obstructed, giving rise to the application in 2014.
FOOPA has supported the Right of Way campaign since the applicants first requested the route to be recorded on the Definitive Map. The objective remains the same: that this route is an important historic asset for the City whose quays should be kept open and accessible as a protected public amenity co-existing with all Camber business uses as it always has been in the past.