Have your say on the future of the seafront – Closing date 30 October 2020

September 21, 2020 / Comments (0)


PCC want to hear your views on an updated masterplan for Southsea seafront.

The masterplan is officially known as the draft Seafront Masterplan Supplementary Planning Document.

It sets out guidelines for how the seafront could be improved and conserved. It also makes recommendations on the possible things that could happen along the seafront.

Local people were consulted in 2018 and 2019 before PCC drafted the masterplan. They are now carrying out another survey before creating a final version.

This will be used to guide developers and help us make future decisions on proposals for the area.

PCC would particularly like to hear your views on two ideas. On Avenue de Caen there’s a proposal to alter the use of a section of the road to prioritise cyclists and pedestrians. And in the area around the D-Day Stone, there are suggestions for altering the surroundings, to improve people’s experience and make access easier.

The masterplan has also been updated to make sure it includes the opportunities created by the Southsea Coastal Scheme, which is constructing new sea defences.

A Collaborative Enhancement Plan (CEP) has also been produced. This contains more ideas and suggestions for how the ambitions of the masterplan could be realised. The aim of the CEP is to demonstrate the ‘art of the possible’ and one scenario for how the masterplan could be delivered as part of the new sea defences. The CEP is being published alongside the draft masterplan for consultation.

See Draft masterplan below and PCC website for full details: https://www.portsmouth.gov.uk/ext/development-and-planning/planning-policy/seafront-masterplanhttps://www.portsmouth.gov.uk/ext/development-and-planning/planning-policy/seafront-masterplan

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