Ragtime & Jazz
Ragtime & Jazz; a short history talk
Interspersed with Chris Newman on his keyboard
Tuesday 2 November 2021 at 7 30 pm
Tickets £10.00 per person
The venue for all events will be the
Pembroke Garden Bowling Club, Pembroke Rad, Old Portsmouth (Pay Bar)
Cheques (payable to FOOPA) should be sent with name and contact number to: Ann Wilson, 6 Perseus Terrace, Gunwharf Quays, Portsmouth, PO1 3TG. Payment can also be made via Bank transfer (BACS) to Friends of Old Portsmouth Assn, using your surname as a reference. Sort code: 30-93-04. Account number: 01015819. If paying by BACS please email confirmation, name and contact number to ann.wilson6@ntlworld.com or post to the above address.
November 2, 2021