Dr Celia Clark online Q & A

July 1, 2021 / Comments (0)


Join Celia for an online Q & A about her research of her latest book Barracks, Forts and Ramparts: Regeneration Challenges for Portsmouth Harbour’s Defence Heritage. 

Dr. Celia Clark will discuss the huge variety of defence sites around the harbour: 12 forts, Hilsea and Stokes Bay Lines, Southsea Common, Boathouses, Barracks, Ordnance and Victualling yards, Naval Hospitals, Airfields – and what’s happened to them in the last fifty years, once they were no longer needed to defend the country.  She will assess whether local communities were/are involved in determining their future uses. Are historic defence buildings being sufficiently maintained so they can be repurposed?  Defence heritage tourism is now a major contributor to the local economy. There have also been disappointments in the course of this huge ongoing transformation process. Looking towards the harbour’s future, she asks whether current and planned sea defences are sufficiently robust to protect us from rising sea levels, and what will happen to sites such as Fort Gilkicker, Fraser Battery and Tipner.  Post-defence experience around the harbour has much to teach other defence-heavy communities.

Date: 4 July, 2021

Time: 12:00 till 12:40

Location: Online event

Ticket Price: Free


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