Community update from the Designated Neighbourhood Officers

March 6, 2024 / Comments (0)


Dear residents of the St Thomas area of Portsmouth.

I just wanted to give you all an update about what PC Assly Clarke and I have been up to since starting our new roll. We have also been working with our Police Community Support officers, Ayla Boultwood and Steve Burden. 


Operation Fortress: There are several addresses in the St Thomas area where there has been issues relating to drugs misuse and related anti social behaviour. Assly and I regularly attend these addresses to engage with those involved. We hope to reduce issues. Where issues continue we will deal robustly with offenders. This could be through arrest and prosecution. If warrants are required we will also gather the evidence needed to get to that stage.

St James Road Shoplifting and ASB: We have been attending the area when possible to meet with residents and shopkeepers. 

This area does suffer from a large number of shopliftings and we will be dealing robustly when offenders are identified.

Gunwharf Quays: This area has the highest number of shops in town so there are lots of shoplifting offences. We aim to reduce this through partnership working and heavy patrolling. If you see us on patrol please come and chat to us. We love it 🙂

Tipton House and Edgebaston House drugs and ASB misuse: We get many reports of various issues in this area so we try and get around as much as possible. We have recently conducted a warrant in Tipton House and the investigation is on-going. 

Other issues: We are working on several other things that I can’t discuss at the moment but rest assured we are in and around the area and doing our best to prevent crime, gather intelligence and work with our various partner agencies to support them and make the community a safer place to live.

Beat Surgery: We have an upcoming beat surgery on the 6th of April 2024 13:00 hours to 15:00 hours. This will be held on Somers Road junction of Margate Road. The whole team will be there in the community van. Also in attendance with be Councillor Chris Atwell.

Please come along and have a chat with us. We will be offering crime prevention advice and listening to your community concerns.


PC 20686 Dan CARTER

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