To be held at Cathedral House, St. Thomas’s Street, Old Portsmouth on Tuesday 26th March 2019 commencing 1930 hrs
- Apologies
- Approval of Minutes of the previous AGM 22nd March 2018
- Matters arising
- Chair’s Report
- Treasurer’s Report
- Election of Officers
- Election of Executive Committee
- Election of Auditors
- Any Other Business
Following the meeting:
Lecture by Cdr J. M. Bingeman CEng, MIMechE, FSNR, Royal Navy titled: The 74-gun Invincible (1758) – her discovery, excavations both past and present
John’s diving career with HMS Centaur in 1964-5 led him to joining the Mary Rose Team in the mid-70s. It was as diving director for The Needles historic wreck site that he achieved designation for the Invincible site in 1980. The Invincible (1758) remained undiscovered until 1979 when a local fisherman snagged his nets, however John’s lecture promises to bring FOOPA members up to date with his work, including last year’s excavations.
Please stay afterwards for drinks and light refreshments.